Before designing my PLE for PLENK I need to set my clock for it.
I don´t have time for PLENK right now but couldn´t stay out, so I decided to go for a little aim (Downes inspired me with his half an hour blog): "My PLENK half an hour of the day".
I will choose something to enjoy per day, taking half an hour of my multiple duties to be PLENK-connected. I know its really little time, but is something.
For choosing I will use the cientific Google system: I will click my "I´m feeling lucky" link from the Daily, or a tweet I like for some reason.
I don´t think I will have much time to go over the readings of the week or participating on session (may be I will go over recordings at night, I always enjoy sleepless recording at midnight).
So my PLE is about time: half an hour + my "I´m feeling Lucky" link.
We will see.