
sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2009

DONE! I did a netbio of my learning process

Good exercise: think of the most important learning process you´ve done. Then draw them and try to see the conections between them. Chaos/coherence may arise.

I´ve always done this kind of concept drawings on paper . First time with map softwares. I tried with freemind and xmind, finally did it with the second one.

domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2009

Spring is coming to my network!

I finally finish reading and viewing and listening the material for week 1 of the CCK09 course.
In terms of Stephen: knowledge is growing...I´m an entity that has been changed by other entities with wich I have made contact.
In terms of George: I´m so excited about all the nodes/people I´m discovering, I´m learning a lot, opening to so many new constelations of conections.
Thank you all for this beautifull first week.
I´m blooming!

viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2009

Netbio of learning process

Some notes during & after listening Richard Schwier interview to George on Connectivism:
-history of the theory: how I´ve learned? Node. Source. Conections.
-nature of knowledge is conection, then it´s a process...and learning is navigating that network.
-difference between connectivism and other theories: recognition of network
-complicated: education/puzzle // complex: education/weather
-how teachers can use it? Openess + make students understand that active learning is the formation of a conection + don´t give students a pre-created world...give them access to sources in a network, so they can be feed not just in class but after class, and keep current + help them recognize good sources, key sources, good nodes
-"participatory pedagogy" not created in advance but co-created with learners
-a theory about us

This interview inspired me to create the "NETBIO OF MY LEARNING PROCESS". I´m doing it.

jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2009

notes on my reading / beta version

What Connectivism Is, by Stephen Downes

  • I like a theory that draws a line between education and control.
  • I understand why people get angry with connectivism: it´s simple!
  • I like the slogan: "to teach is to model and demonstrate, to learn is to practice and reflect"
"what there is (ie., connectionist networks) is not built (like a model) it is grown (like a plant)"

Extras for this article:
An Introduction to Connective Knowledge
Robin Good´s presentation about the principles that characterize successful networks, Downes´s paper.

miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2009

I quote things that interested me (reading co-learners)

rom learning by doing to doing by learning – from intuition to innovation,
by Irmeli Aro

Something great about this concept of "doing by learning" is that in "the doing" you already have the evaluation aspect solved, the same for correction. I´d like to work on this items during the course, hope to get somewhere .

Sleepless in Buenos Aires

I´m spending the night reading introductions and differents PLEs from co-learners of the course.
I can´t say anything yet, too much information. I must process.

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2009

getting ready: building my personal learning environment

I liked silvia andreoli 's PLE:
I´m building mine:
It takes longer than I thought.

First day: CHAOS!!

Before the course started, I had all under control: "the course is about what I already know...we learn making conections, i know that, we work and learn as a community the same way our brain does, yes, sure, i know..." and all the things I could think to myself to make me feel confortable and save in a traditional save place, like for example: a university classroom -I can raise my hand there and ask, and be clever, or be silent, and listen to no more than 10 students that most of the times will make fake questions (they know the answer) I can just be in the classroon...nobody will bother me-.

Yesterday I listen to the first conference: the counter for people getting in elluminate started growing and growing, I didn´t know were to look, chat, links, siemens & downes´voices. I googled CCK09 during the night, and read.

Today, google alerts of CCK09, blogs, searchs, videos, introduction on moodle, tweets...fortunatly I loosed control: I´m confused. I´m in chaos.